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2:00 pm14:00

Yoga and the immune system: ageing

With: Melanie Cooper and Dr Rachel David

When: 7 December 2024

Who: Everyone – whether yoga teacher or intrigued yoga practitioner – is welcome!

Where: Online via zoom - the workshops will be recorded and A recording of the workshop will be available for 2 weeks after the live session, so you can attend even if you can’t join live

Price: £50
£40 Early Bird - just use discount code EB at the checkout
(Early bird ends 7 November 2024)
£30 Special discounted price for VIPs who have joined Melanie or Jennie on a training or course before - just use discount code VIP at the checkout

Most of us don’t want to just live to a ripe old age, but to actually age well. Can yoga, and its impact on the immune system, help?

In this 2-hour workshop, we’ll be focusing on:
-       What is inflammation, and what does it have to do with ageing
-       How yoga can help control inflammation
-       The role of sleep
-       Other evidence that yoga can help with healthy ageing
-       Yoga practices to support good sleep

The workshop will include tips and tricks on how to incorporate the learnings into your teaching and practice, and time for Q&A.  

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2:00 pm14:00

Yoga and the immune system: mind body connection

With: Melanie Cooper and Dr Rachel David

When: 7 September 2024

Who: Everyone – whether yoga teacher or intrigued yoga practitioner – is welcome!

Where: Online via zoom - the workshops will be recorded and A recording of the workshop will be available for 2 weeks after the live session, so you can attend even if you can’t join live

Price: £50
£40 Early Bird - just use discount code EB at the checkout
(Early bird ends 7 August 2024)
£30 Special discounted price for VIPs who have joined Melanie or Jennie on a training or course before - just use discount code VIP at the checkout

You’ve heard of the mind–body connection, but what does this actually mean? And what does it have to do with yoga?
In this 2-hour workshop, we’ll be focusing on:

-       The vagus nerve, and how it links the brain to the rest of the body
-       How the vagus nerve regulates the immune system
-       The gut brain
-       How yoga can help support a balanced immune system
-       Yoga practices to stimulate the vagus nerve

The workshop will include tips and tricks on how to incorporate the learnings into your teaching and practice, and time for Q&A.

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2:00 pm14:00

Yoga and the immune system: stress

With: Melanie Cooper and Dr Rachel David

When: 29 June 2024

Who: Everyone – whether yoga teacher or intrigued yoga practitioner – is welcome!

Where: Online via zoom - the workshops will be recorded and A recording of the workshop will be available for 2 weeks after the live session, so you can attend even if you can’t join live

Price: £50
£40 Early Bird - just use discount code EB at the checkout
(Early Bird ends 15th June)
£30 Special discounted price for VIPs who have joined Melanie or Jennie on a training or course before - just use discount code VIP at the checkout

Chronic stress can have a huge impact on our bodies, including our immune system, but recent research suggests that yoga could help bring back balance.
In this 2-hour workshop, we’ll introduce the fascinating world of our immune system, covering:

- What is our immune system, what does it do, and what does inflammation actually mean
- How chronic stress can wreak havoc with our immune system
- How yoga can help support a balanced immune system
- A supportive yoga practice

The workshop will include tips and tricks on how to incorporate the learnings into your teaching and practice, and time for Q&A.

This is the first of a series of workshops. The three workshops are:

Yoga the immune system and stress (29 Jun)
Yoga the immune system and the mind body connection (7 Sep)
Yoga the immune system and ageing (7 Dec)

Venue: Online via Zoom – a link will be sent to you 1 hour before the workshop
A recording of the workshop will be available for 2 weeks after the live session, so you can attend even if you can’t join live

£40 Early Bird if you sign up one month before
£30 Special discounted price for VIPs who have joined Melanie or Jennie on a training or course before

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Understanding Perimenopause and Menopause
10:00 am10:00

Understanding Perimenopause and Menopause

I am excited to be collaborating with Kate Henley for the first time to share our knowledge of the experience of the Peri-menopause and the Menopause.

This life stage is an important life transition and often throws up physical and emotional challenges. This day will support the navigation of this period with the following:

  • What is happening in the body at this time - a Western synopsis

  • How to understand your symptoms Reflecting on the societal views of this time and what this means for us

  • A look through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine to support the journey

  • Practical ideas and suggestions

    The day will also include short practices on:

  • Yin Yoga (soft gentle yoga poses all done sitting or lying down aiming to quieten the nervous system)

  • Qi Gong (Chinese energy movement)

  • Yoga Nidra (deeply relaxing practice done lying down suitable for this life stage)

  • The day will be partly taught, partly some movement and will contain opportunities to hear the views of others and reflect.

Date 25 June
Time 10-5
Price £95

Kate and Melanie aspire to share with you aspects of their own experiences of this time and will challenge the narrative of the menopause to show that there is a potential way of living at this time supporting physical difficulties and living in an empowering way.

Melanie and Kate say: We have both recently been through the (peri) menopause and are passionate about sharing this knowledge - we want to change the narrative around menopause from one of loss and endings, to one of transition and power. We want to share this potentially life changing information with as many women as we can. Our intention is to create a non-judgemental, safe, confidential space for you to become empowered and heard.

Kate holds a BSc in Acupuncture from the University of Westminster and has been in private practice since 1998. She is a full member of the British Acupuncture Council and is the Chair of the Acupuncture Childbirth Team in Hertfordshire. Kate is a holistic practitioner, using acupuncture, massage, and dietary therapy as part of her treatment. She remains curious about what puts the body out of balance and causes ‘dis-ease’ and in particular the role of how emotions affect our physical well-being. Kate provides acupuncture for all conditions and has a special interest in women’s health.

Melanie has been teaching yoga since 1997 and is registered as ERYT with Yoga Alliance. She mainly runs advanced yoga teacher trainings, yoga holidays and workshops. Melanie says: In all my teaching I aim to show up and be myself - and my hope is that will allow you to truly be yourself. I hope to meet each person wherever they are, in each moment and make the practice right for each individual.

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10:00 am10:00

Exploring Nidra

Exploring Nidra
with Melanie Cooper
1 May 2022 10am-12pm

This series of online workshops are designed for those who want to drop into deeper learning about the yoga practices or those thinking of enrolling on a teacher training. In this workshop, we will learn about the magic of Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra is considered by some to be the meditative heart of yoga – where deep transformation is possible. Nidra is a very accessible and, in some ways, very simple practice that has incredible benefits. When we enter the enchanting space between waking and dreaming, we enter a space that can help us rest deeply, improve our memory, sleep, connect to our creativity and much, much more. We will drop into the science of the hypnogogic state, into yoga & the place of pure awareness, Turyia.

Come and learn some of the fascinating science and experience the magic of the practice!

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10:00 am10:00

Exploring Pranayama

Exploring Pranayama
with Melanie Cooper
3 April 2022 10am-12pm

This series of online workshops are designed for those who want to drop into learning more or thinking of enrolling on a teacher training.

This workshop will include a short talk on the theory and a physical practice to prepare the body for breathing. We will delve into:


  • What is Pranayama

  • the anatomy of breathing

  • the philosophy

Practical applications: 

  • 3 Pranayama exercises to regulate the breath and balance the nervous system

Balancing the nervous system is in balance & the positive effect on:

  • Mental health

  • Immune system function

  • Focus and concentration

  • Healthy sleep

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