I work under two ‘banners’ both called Yoga Treat - the ‘treat’ is an invitation for you to treat yourself to something you really need - maybe a holiday to completely relax and nurture yourself - maybe a course to learn something new and challenge yourself - maybe somewhere in between. My aspiration in all my teaching to to show up and be myself - and my hope is that will allow you to truly be yourself. I also hope to meet each person wherever they are in each moment and make the practice right for you
The two companies are:
Yoga Treat Retreat: for holidays and rest and in-person courses for inspiration.
Yoga Treat Online: for online trainings and learning and expanding and growing.
The online courses have been an amazing surprise - so much connection and community online.
If you think online training isn’t for you maybe think again it’s easier than you think…
Now a bit about me…
So this is what I offer - a place where you can find what works for you. A place where you will be welcomed as you are - with no judgement or expectations - where you can find the practice that’s right for you…It’s been a long journey…
Yoga has been my constant companion for over 2 decades now. My relationship to it has changed over the years and I can’t imagine a life without it.
When I started I had chronic fatigue and my weekly yoga class was a place where I could feel my body as a good place to be - rather that the constant pain and lack of energy - I felt good in myself. Coming from this starting point has made me passionate about modifying the practice and always offering alternatives to make the practice right for each person. I’ll always be grateful to my first teacher Oz for welcoming me into the class and accepting what I could and couldn’t do, even celebrating my ability to make the practice work for me - rather than trying to fit me into something the practice “should be”.
Yoga and nutrition were two of the key things that helped me heal from my Chronic Fatigue - along with herbs and different life-style choices. As I got stronger my practice also got stronger and I became an intense Ashtanga practitioner - making my way through the primary and second series and starting third. My practice was very “strictly Mysore” and that worked pretty well for a while.
I started teaching - I was terrified teaching my first ever class - no teacher training - just jumped in at the deep end. But I walked away on an absolute high - totally buzzing - I don’t think I slept that night I was so excited. And I still love teaching - the teaching has inspired my practice and vice versa they have grown together over the years.
The last big change for me was Menopause. I had extreme joint pain for a while together with lower energy and strong emotional rushing. It was a big change on so many levels and my practice changed to support me.
I started to focus on my more gentle practices - yin, yoga nidra and slow flow and my practice evolved and grew into something new and beautiful - nurturing and soft but still strong and intense.
So this is what I offer - a place where you can find what works for you. A place where you will be welcomed as you are - with no judgement or expectations - where you can find the practice that’s right for you…
If you have any questions about yoga, retreats, events or trainings please contact me here.