A flexible Vin to Yin Sequence (pun intended)


One of my favourite ways practicing asana is starting with an energised flowing sequence followed by dropping into soft and still yin poses. This stimulates the nervous system, then goes deep into the parasympathetic. This stimulation followed by relaxation has the effect of balance. When the nervous system is balanced then other systems in the body/mind can come into balance too - mental health such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical things such as digestion, immunity and much more.

Here is sequence created with this balance in mind….

Start in Child’s pose - connect with the breath and body

Unfold into Cat/Cow - you could also add some rib rotations, shoulder circles and even some free movement

Then some time to explore Down Dog, Plank, Cobra or Up Dog. If you have less time do each one for a few breaths to feel into your body. If you have more time you could add in some sun salutations.

Then come up into a Low Lunge - here I’ve chosen to interlace my hands behind my back - but you could add the arm variation of your choice

After Low Lunge tuck the back toes and come on up into your High Lunge, again choose how long you stay and feel free to add on an arm variation - maybe eagle arms

Next comes a classic feel good sequence of Warrior 2 followed by Reverse Warrior flowing into Side Angle Pose

From Side Angle come back up into Warrior 2 as a transition and turn the feet to the long edge of the mat for Wide Leg Forward Fold - cat stroking optional ;) From your forwards fold come back up into Warrior 2

Windmill your arms down and step back into Down Dog - from here repeat the sequence from low lunge on the second side

Now from your Downward Dog, step forwards into Low Lunge, flow between Low Lunge and Low Pyramid with the option to sit back into Half Hero, repeat this on both sides

Next the yummy yin - hold for 2 to 5 minutes on each side, coming back into Low Lunge (as a transition) and bring the back knee forwards into a Seated Twist (do both sides)

Unwind from your twist into Half Dragonfly - first folding forwards then adding a lateral stretch (do both versions on one side then repeat on the second side)

Then a lovely Lying Twist (both sides)

A supported backbend - brick under sacrum, option to keep knees bent or straighten the legs

Keep the brick under the sacrum and straighten the legs into a yin inversion

If you have time for some breathing take the chance!

Then rest in Shavasana

And don’t forget the gratitude - so grateful for the time to practice!

If you’re interested in Sequencing training more info here