If you find it tricky to drop off - or get back to sleep in the middle of the night, this Yoga Nidra could help…
One of my practices is meditating with starlight - in this Nidra we imagine the starlight touching us…
another Nidra to help you sleep well
We all need some Loving Kindness - but maybe teenagers need it especially…
The magic and mystery of starlight and sleep
Sleep Nidra and Loving Kindness
the sound of a cat purring can be very soothing….
Spiral round the body - sink into sleep…
Gratitude for the Body - Sleep Nidra with beautiful piano music from Silvertortoise
Sleep Nidra crossing the body
Yoga Nidra with piano by Silver Tortoise
Yoga Nidra with triangles of energy and light
A wake up Nidra